Many people are burdened with student loans that last for many years into the future. For the spouses of 9/11 victims there are several that have the extra financial burden of student loans. There may be student loan forgiveness available for these individuals through the benefit that was created for 9/11 in 2006.
For individuals that were married to a 9/11 victim and at that time had a student loan balance, they should speak to a student loan debt relief lawyer about this. They may be able to get that student loan balance forgiven.
This potential discharge may be applicable to your federal student loans if you meet the eligibility criteria. It involves victims and eligible public servants. The loans that may be forgiven are parent PLUS loans, Graduate PLUS loans, Perkins loans, and Stafford loans. It does not include private student loans, or loans from the FFEL or HEAL programs. Once it has been determined that you qualify the forgiveness should remove the qualified balances of the federal students loans. This is the balances that were owed as of the date September 11,2001. It doesn’t include additional student loan debts incurred after that date.
This loan forgiveness has not be widely publicised so there may be several that are eligible for it and don’t realize it. It is worth speaking to a attorney who specializes in student loan relief about this if you think you can qualify. Even if this form of student loan forgiveness is not available to you there may be many other options available to you that can help you with your student loan debt problems.