BillArchitecture is an amazing talent and skill set in the modern age, but is losing ground in its population. As the costs for higher education rises many students are being forced away from their degree of passion, like architecture, and into other fields of work simply for the paycheck. The deterioration of professionals in the architecture field is beginning to have a negative impact on communities around the globe.

Building A Better Future

A new bill was recently introduced into Colorado Congress that could change the way some students receive student loan debt relief. The National Designs Services Act was presented to Colorado representatives as part of the Grassroots Legislative and Leadership Conference. The bill would allow for the Department of Urban Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to create a program where architecture students could work Community Design Centers in exchange for assistance with their loan repayments.

The hope is that by freeing up some opportunities for students to practice in their field of study under the peace of mind that student loan debt payment assistance will be available after they graduate. If successful, the program would be a win-win for students able to pursue their passion while communities receive a range of needed architecture services.

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