hammerThere may not be much that you can do about your student loans if you can’t pay them, but one thing you can do is seek out the assistance of a student loan debt lawyer. You need to know your options, and you need to know what can happen when your student loans aren’t paid.

You may be dealing with Federal student loans and private student loans. In either case when they come into default the student loan lenders may take action to collect the debt.

When it comes to federal student loans these are guaranteed by the US government. If you don’t pay then the government will try and collect their money. One way of potentially doing this is by taking your tax refunds. If this is going to happen then the law says you must be notified about this. This then gives you the chance to ask for a hearing. It may be that you have a valid case for having the student debt nullified. There may be mistakes on the documentation of the loan for example.

At the hearing you may also be able to make payment arrangements and if so then this might put an end to other legal recourses that may be pending against you like a garnishment or property seizures.

It is a good idea to seek out the advice of an attorney who specializes in student debt loan relief even before any action is taken against you if you have reached a point where you cannot pay the debt.

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